Let me guess: you clicked on this blog at midnight while scrolling through your phone, promising yourself that tomorrow will be different. You’ll wake up early, conquer the world, and finally become the radiant morning person you’ve always envied. Spoiler alert: it can actually happen. No, really.
It’s 2025! A brand-new year, a fresh start, and the perfect time to tackle those goals you keep shoving into the “maybe later” folder of your life. Let’s get you off the struggle bus and into the sunshine. Here’s how to become a morning person and (dare I say it) loveee it!
Step 1: Find Your Why
First things first, why do you want to be a morning person? Is it because you think it’s what successful people do? Because your roommate looks unreasonably happy with her morning yoga routine? Or because your nights are just endless Netflix binges that you don’t even enjoy anymore?
Figure out your “why” and keep it in mind. You’re not just waking up early to stare at the ceiling; you’re waking up to make room for what matters to you. That could be exercising, journaling, working on your passive income idea, sipping coffee in peace, or just enjoying a guilt-free sunrise selfie. Whatever it is, own it!
Step 2: Start Small (Like, Really Small)
Don’t go from waking up at 10 AM to setting a 5 AM alarm. That’s not motivation; that’s self-sabotage. Instead, roll back your wake-up time by 15 or 30 minutes each day. It’s like tricking your brain into thinking nothing has changed — until suddenly you’re up before the sun and wondering what alternate universe you’ve entered.
Bonus tip: Place your alarm clock/phone across the room. Let me tell you something that works for me, I throw my phone under the pile of clothes that’s always taking up space on my chair. The annoyance of getting up to shut it off will wake you up faster than a double shot of espresso.
Step 3: Create a Bedtime Ritual
I know, I know. You’re here to wake up earlier, not go to bed earlier. But hear me out: mornings start the night before. Pick a calming bedtime routine that helps you wind down. No TikTok rabbit holes or “just one more episode” traps. Try a book, skincare routine, or meditating for five minutes. Or, you know, stare at your dog and wonder what they dream about (this works, trust me!).
Lights out by a set time. No exceptions! Okay, maybe one exception: if Harry Styles releases a surprise album.
Step 4: Make Mornings Worth Waking Up For
What’s the point of waking up early if your mornings are just chores and dread? Plan something you’ll actually look forward to. That could mean brewing a fancy coffee, watching a sunrise, blasting your favourite playlist, or taking a guilt-free scroll through Instagram (yes, I said guilt-free).
You’re not a robot; you’re a human who deserves a little joy before the grind kicks in. Treat your mornings like the start of something amazing, not a punishment.
Step 5: Embrace the Awkward Phase
Here’s the thing nobody tells you: the first week of becoming a morning person is like learning to ride a bike. It’s clumsy, and uncomfortable, and you’ll probably crash a couple of times. You’ll feel groggy, and your bed will suddenly feel 10 times cozier than usual.
But stick with it! It’s just your body adjusting. Soon, your new routine will feel as natural as scrolling on your phone at midnight used to. And that’s when the magic happens.
Step 6: Reward Yourself
Humans are simple creatures. We like rewards. Give yourself a little treat for sticking to your new habit. Maybe it’s a Saturday morning pastry run, a new playlist, or even bragging rights on social media. You deserve it!
Step 7: Don’t Aim for Perfection
Look, life happens. Some days you’ll hit snooze 15 times, and that’s okay. This isn’t about being perfect; it’s about being better. Celebrate your progress, even if it’s messy. After all, you’re becoming the kind of person who seizes the morning AND THAT’S A BIG DEAL.
Final Thoughts
Becoming a morning person isn’t about flipping a switch; it’s about slowly shifting your habits to match the life you want to live. And if you slip up? No worries. Just get back on track and keep going.
So, set your alarm, fluff your pillows, and let 2025 be the year you finally do the things you always wanted to. Because honestly, there’s no better time to shine. Good morning, sunshine! ☀️
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